October Showdown!
Post date: Sep 11, 2011 3:19:50 AM
Iphone 5 vs Nexus Prime
9/11/2011 "Anniversary of 9/11"
The two biggest contenders for the upcoming smartphone showdown are undeniably Apple and Google's next gen phones. Both devices are set to be released this Fall, sometime in October.
Samsung Nexus Prime: Real or concept image?
Apple's new beast is said to possess around a 4" screen, while the Nexus Prime, reportedly made by Samsung, reportedly features a 4.65" 720HD (1280x720 or 1020x720 unsure yet) Super-Amoled display, whose resolution s mostly likely higher than Apple's upcoming retina display.
Regardless of the exact hardware specs, these two phones will be the standard-setters for the next smartphone generation.
Question is, how much more hardware does a consumer really need? No, don't answer that. We all want something newer and better to lust over, its how the human brain works, and its why new devices will come out ad infinitum.
Sit back and enjoy the show, this is going to be a good one.
Second Nexus Prime Concept shot: Notice the Honeycomb-like look of this Ice Cream Sandwich concept shot. (BELOW)
Iphone 5 Concept image
Courtesy of designedbyItem