"Ownhere" Google Navigation

Post date: Sep 21, 2011 11:54:10 AM


Google Maps and Google Navigation are a few of Android's most treasured assets...that is if you live in the US. What about the rest of the world? Yes, shockingly (or not), there are many people outside the US that would sell their firstborn (slight exaggeration) to get local Google Navigation.


Enter...Ownhere Google Maps Navigation

Ownhere maps was originally the work of Brut.all, a software developer who showcased his work on XDA. Now the project is kept in motion reportedly by "some Chinese guys" who continue to bring us the newest releases of Google Maps, now at 5.10. XDA, brings Navigation to the rest of the world. YES!

There's a version for both rooted and non-rooted users, and the install instructions are pretty straightforward.

Google Nav @ Work

So go get your Navigation running already!